Premium Audio Services

Enhance your digital performance with our expert audits and actionable feedback for your online presence.

our audio process

  1. Initial Consultation: Understand your project scope.
  2. Studio Tour (Virtual/Physical): If desired, you can get a feel of the studio environment and equipment.
  3. Script & Content Planning: If it’s a voice-over or podcast, we can assist in refining the script and content layout.
  4. Recording Session: Actual audio recording in the studio environment, ensuring the highest quality capture.
  5. Post-Production: Editing, mastering, sound design, and other post-production requirements based on the package.
  6. Client Review: Share the audio file(s) with you for feedback and potential revisions.
  7. Final Mastering: Ensure the audio is polished, and all quality standards are met.
  8. Delivery: Provide you with high-resolution audio files in their desired format.
  9. Optional: Ongoing support for distribution, audio SEO, or further editing needs.

standard package

What’s Included:

  • Up to 30 minutes of audio recording
  • Basic audio editing and mastering

deluxe package

What’s Included:

  • Up to 60 minutes of audio recording
  • Advanced audio editing, mastering, and sound design

gold package

What’s Included:

  • 5+ hours audio recording time
  • Advanced audio editing, mastering, sound design, and audio SEO
  • Multilingual voice-over and translations

Audio Add-Ons

Enhance your digital performance with our expert audits and actionable feedback for your online presence.

extended audio length

What’s Included:

  • Price for each additional 30 minutes Additional recording and editing



additional revisions

What’s Included:

  • Cost Per Change Extra round of changes and edits.


sound design

What’s Included:

  • Special sound effects and audio enhancements.


Multilingual Voice-Over

What’s Included:

  • Cost Per Language Voice-over in different languages.


Audio SEO & Distribution Assistance

What’s Included:

  • Optimization for search and help with distribution on platforms.
